antipasti sfiziosi: stracciatella marinata in olio d’oliva, aglio e basilico fresco

Per antipasti sfiziosi: provate a marinare la stracciatella! Scopri come farla e altre ricette gourmet su Gourmet Project.

il progetto

Sono appena tornata in Italia, cioè tornata ai deliziosi ingredienti italiani. Con tanta voglia di lavorare sui meravigliosi ingredienti dei primi giorni d’Autunno. È il momento di godersi gli ultimi prodotti dell’estate soleggiata e scoprire quello che l’autunno ombroso e deliziosamente malinconico ha da offrire. E di fare antipasti sfiziosi per piacevoli incontri con gli amici dopo la lunga separazione estiva :-).

antipasti sfiziosi: stracciatella marinata

Non solo antipasti sfiziosi, ma facili, veloci e versatili. Infatti questa è la base: voi potete fantasticare e aggiungere tutto ciò che viene in mente: peperoncino, pepe nero, timo, origano…


Ingredienti per 2:

  • 1 tazza di stracciatella
  • 1 spicchio d’aglio
  • 3-4 foglie di basilico fresco
  • olio extravergine d’oliva
  • 1 barattolo di vetro di medie dimensioni


Sbuccia e schiaccia l’aglio.

Metti la stracciatella, l’aglio e il basilico nel barattolo. Versa abbastanza olio da ricoprire completamente il formaggio.

Fai marinare in frigorifero per almeno due ore. Ma credimi, se riesci ad aspettare fino al giorno dopo, non te ne penti.

Toglila dal frigo almeno 30 minuti prima di divorarla, con friselle pugliesi, naturalmente.


la guida di londra

Here are my London’s 2016 adventures, let’s call it my gourmet guide to London, 2016… cause things change . Doing Fell in love with Biscuiteers: an icing (!!!!) café. Discovered London’s so called Nappy Valley. Like every time I go there, had my girly walk at Marylebone, collecting inspiration at the Conran Shop and pit stopping at the Natural Kitchen for a chai latte. This time I also crossed the street to buy Pierre Marcolini’s 5 pounds eclairs (yes I know, but you know…) and headed to a bench in the park for a luxurious choco breakfast, the way I like it. Antique shopped at the Jubilee Market in Covent Garden (Mondays are for antiques). Went to the National Portrait Gallery for Picasso, but ended up visiting Eggleston...

Mentre facciamo marinare i nostri antipasti sfiziosi, vi racconterò un po’ di Londra 2016…

Posso finalmente dirlo: “Ehi ciao, torno adesso da Londra”.

Sono passati quasi due anni, e mi è mancata. Amo questa città multiculturale, dove-puoi-andare-in-giro-in-pigiama-e-nessuno-farà-una-piega.

Qui di seguito le mie avventure londinesi, chiamiamola la mia guida gourmet di Londra, 2016 … perché le cose cambiano ;-).

Here are my London’s 2016 adventures, let’s call it my gourmet guide to London, 2016… cause things change . Doing Fell in love with Biscuiteers: an icing (!!!!) café. Discovered London’s so called Nappy Valley. Like every time I go there, had my girly walk at Marylebone, collecting inspiration at the Conran Shop and pit stopping at the Natural Kitchen for a chai latte. This time I also crossed the street to buy Pierre Marcolini’s 5 pounds eclairs (yes I know, but you know…) and headed to a bench in the park for a luxurious choco breakfast, the way I like it. Antique shopped at the Jubilee Market in Covent Garden (Mondays are for antiques). Went to the National Portrait Gallery for Picasso, but ended up visiting Eggleston...
Here are my London’s 2016 adventures, let’s call it my gourmet guide to London, 2016… cause things change . Doing Fell in love with Biscuiteers: an icing (!!!!) café. Discovered London’s so called Nappy Valley. Like every time I go there, had my girly walk at Marylebone, collecting inspiration at the Conran Shop and pit stopping at the Natural Kitchen for a chai latte. This time I also crossed the street to buy Pierre Marcolini’s 5 pounds eclairs (yes I know, but you know…) and headed to a bench in the park for a luxurious choco breakfast, the way I like it. Antique shopped at the Jubilee Market in Covent Garden (Mondays are for antiques). Went to the National Portrait Gallery for Picasso, but ended up visiting Eggleston...




Here are my London’s 2016 adventures, let’s call it my gourmet guide to London, 2016… cause things change . Doing Fell in love with Biscuiteers: an icing (!!!!) café. Discovered London’s so called Nappy Valley. Like every time I go there, had my girly walk at Marylebone, collecting inspiration at the Conran Shop and pit stopping at the Natural Kitchen for a chai latte. This time I also crossed the street to buy Pierre Marcolini’s 5 pounds eclairs (yes I know, but you know…) and headed to a bench in the park for a luxurious choco breakfast, the way I like it. Antique shopped at the Jubilee Market in Covent Garden (Mondays are for antiques). Went to the National Portrait Gallery for Picasso, but ended up visiting Eggleston...


cibo per l’anima

  • Mi sono innamorata di Biscuiteers: un icing cafè (!!!!).
  • Ho scoperto la cosiddetta Nappy Valley di Londra (Clapham Junction e dintorni, i quartieri dei neo sposati con figli, nappy = pannolino).
  • Come ogni volta che torno a Londra, mi sono fatta il mio giretto girly a Marylebone, raccogliendo ispirazione al the Conran Shop e con pit stop da Natural Kitchen per un chai latte. Questa volta ho anche attraversato la strada per comprare gli eclair a 5 sterline di Pierre Marcolini’s (sì, lo so, ma sapete com’è…) e mi sono seduta su una panchina del parco con la mia lussuosa choco colazione, proprio come piace a me.
  • Sono stata al mercatino dell’antiquariato del Jubilee Market a Covent Garden (il lunedì è la giornata degli antiquari ed è il giorno in cui sono impazzita di gioia).
  • Sono andata alla National Portrait Gallery per Picasso, e sono finita a visitare Eggleston.
  • Ho trovato il mio nuovo posto speciale: Holland Park. Non perdetevi il Kyoto garden e i bellissimi pavoni.
  • Ho fatto un po’ di shopping natalizio DIY da Blade Rubber Stamps shop, che è IL POSTO se cercate qualsiasi cosa “carta”.



cibo e basta

  • Il mio primo cheeseburger con burro di arachidi a The Plough – lo devo rifare asap.
  • Gourmet shopping nel mio posto per il tè preferito, Fortnum & Mason: persone che sanno davvero cosa significa essere tè-dipendenti.
  • Ceviche! Non perdetevi i tequeños di carne, il ceviche tuna manu e la torta di mais.
  • Non ho saputo resistere alla mia solita passeggiata gastronomica al Borough Market.
  • Ho scoperto che Princi ha aperto a Soho (e ho tartassato mio fratello per fare lì le sue scorte natalizie di Pandoro e Panettone).
  • Giubilo di matcha e poke bowls da Tombo.

Here are my London’s 2016 adventures, let’s call it my gourmet guide to London, 2016… cause things change . Doing Fell in love with Biscuiteers: an icing (!!!!) café. Discovered London’s so called Nappy Valley. Like every time I go there, had my girly walk at Marylebone, collecting inspiration at the Conran Shop and pit stopping at the Natural Kitchen for a chai latte. This time I also crossed the street to buy Pierre Marcolini’s 5 pounds eclairs (yes I know, but you know…) and headed to a bench in the park for a luxurious choco breakfast, the way I like it. Antique shopped at the Jubilee Market in Covent Garden (Mondays are for antiques). Went to the National Portrait Gallery for Picasso, but ended up visiting Eggleston...
Here are my London’s 2016 adventures, let’s call it my gourmet guide to London, 2016… cause things change . Doing Fell in love with Biscuiteers: an icing (!!!!) café. Discovered London’s so called Nappy Valley. Like every time I go there, had my girly walk at Marylebone, collecting inspiration at the Conran Shop and pit stopping at the Natural Kitchen for a chai latte. This time I also crossed the street to buy Pierre Marcolini’s 5 pounds eclairs (yes I know, but you know…) and headed to a bench in the park for a luxurious choco breakfast, the way I like it. Antique shopped at the Jubilee Market in Covent Garden (Mondays are for antiques). Went to the National Portrait Gallery for Picasso, but ended up visiting Eggleston...

Here are my London’s 2016 adventures, let’s call it my gourmet guide to London, 2016… cause things change . Doing Fell in love with Biscuiteers: an icing (!!!!) café. Discovered London’s so called Nappy Valley. Like every time I go there, had my girly walk at Marylebone, collecting inspiration at the Conran Shop and pit stopping at the Natural Kitchen for a chai latte. This time I also crossed the street to buy Pierre Marcolini’s 5 pounds eclairs (yes I know, but you know…) and headed to a bench in the park for a luxurious choco breakfast, the way I like it. Antique shopped at the Jubilee Market in Covent Garden (Mondays are for antiques). Went to the National Portrait Gallery for Picasso, but ended up visiting Eggleston...

Here are my London’s 2016 adventures, let’s call it my gourmet guide to London, 2016… cause things change . Doing Fell in love with Biscuiteers: an icing (!!!!) café. Discovered London’s so called Nappy Valley. Like every time I go there, had my girly walk at Marylebone, collecting inspiration at the Conran Shop and pit stopping at the Natural Kitchen for a chai latte. This time I also crossed the street to buy Pierre Marcolini’s 5 pounds eclairs (yes I know, but you know…) and headed to a bench in the park for a luxurious choco breakfast, the way I like it. Antique shopped at the Jubilee Market in Covent Garden (Mondays are for antiques). Went to the National Portrait Gallery for Picasso, but ended up visiting Eggleston...


goditi i tuoi antipasti sfiziosi!
